DRS Discussion forums allow members to share information, make contacts, and talk about any issues related to design research, design more generally, or anything else.
Some forums are general discussions while others are hosted by DRS Special Interest Groups or regional chapters. Members are free to join and contribute to any discussion, or indeed start a new discussion. Discussions are only open to DRS Members. Join a discussion, introduce yourself, and ask a question to get the ball rolling...
The Design Research Forum is the general discussion area and message board for all members of the DRS. If you are a new member please join the forum to get notifications and feel free to introduce yourself and ask any questions. Please also post links, events, and other opportunities that you think...
The Design Research Forum is the general discussion area and message board for all members of the DRS. If you are a new member please join the forum to get notifications and feel free to introduce yourself and ask any questions. Please also post links, events, and other opportunities that you think other members would be interested in.
The design education discussion forum is hosted by the Education Special Interest Group (EdSIG) of the DRS. EdSIG holds regular online events, hosts international biennial conferences, and has members from many countries who are experts in design education across all disciplines of...
see moreThe design education discussion forum is hosted by the Education Special Interest Group (EdSIG) of the DRS. EdSIG holds regular online events, hosts international biennial conferences, and has members from many countries who are experts in design education across all disciplines of design.
Find out more about EdSIG here.
Pluriversal Design creates and promotes inter-cultural and pluralistic conversations about design and design research bringing together multiple perspectives in design, multiple epistemological positions and multiple forms of...
Pluriversal Design creates and promotes inter-cultural and pluralistic conversations about design and design research bringing together multiple perspectives in design, multiple epistemological positions and multiple forms of design education and practice. The focus is especially on those commonly oppressed by and excluded from mainstream design narratives.
This Pluriversal discussion forum is hosted by the Pluriversal Special Interest Group (PluriSIG) of the DRS. PluriSIG has an international membership and holds regular events and seminars which are open to all.
PluriSIG is led by Lesly-Ann Noel (Tulane University) and Renata Leitao (OCAD University).
Doing a PhD can sometimes feel like a lonely and confusing task. Don't worry! This is a forum to discuss any issues related to doing a PhD in design research - for PhD Researchers, supervisors, or anyone else. Questions, experiences, recommendations, references - anything goes...
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La Red de Diseño e Investigación en Latinoamérica (DILA) tiene dos objetivos: promover la investigación en diseño en Latinoamérica y conectar a los investigadores en...
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La Red de Diseño e Investigación en Latinoamérica (DILA) tiene dos objetivos: promover la investigación en diseño en Latinoamérica y conectar a los investigadores en diseño del continente. Queremos crear nuevas iniciativas de investigación en diseño y eventos regulares para que los investigadores puedan participar y contribuir. ¡Únete a la conversación para ayudar a construir la comunidad de investigación en diseño de Latinoamérica!
La red DILA está abierta a todos, pero se enfoca principalmente en temáticas de relevancia para la región, y la comunidad Latinoamericana de investigación en diseño. ¡Participa en nuestro foro de discusión para conectarte con otros y saber acerca de las últimas iniciativas que estamos llevando a cabo!
La red DILA es liderada por Catalina Cortés Loyola (Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile) y Juan Giusepe Montalván (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), Lima, Perú)
The Latin America Design Research (DILA) Network has two aims: to promote design research in Latin America and connect design researchers across the continent. We would like to start new design research initiatives and create regular events for design researchers to participate in and contribute to. Join the discussion to help build the Latin American design research community!
The DILA network is open to all, but primarily focussed on issues concerning Latin America, and the Latin American design research community. Please join the discussion forum to connect with others and hear about the latest things we are doing!
The DILA network is led by Catalina Cortés Loyola (Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile) and Juan Giusepe Montalván (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), Lima, Perú)
Design for health and wellbeing has become a major topic in design research and this forum shares and discusses the latest thinking. Design for health and wellbeing is a multi-disciplinary community combining expertise in...
Design for health and wellbeing has become a major topic in design research and this forum shares and discusses the latest thinking. Design for health and wellbeing is a multi-disciplinary community combining expertise in design, psychology, engineering, architecture, human factors, technology development, HCI, healthcare and other disciplines. Join the discussion to introduce yourself and find out more!
The design for wellbeing and health discussion forum is hosted by the Special Interest Group for Wellbeing, Happiness and Health (SIGWELL) of the DRS. SIGWELL has an extensive international membership and holds regular events which are open to all and posted to this forum.
SIGWell is led by Rebecca Cain (Loughborough University, UK) and Ann Petermans (Hasselt University, Belgium).
How can design research contribute to innovation in policy and governance? This discussion forum explores interfaces between governments, publics, policy, and design methods. Join the discussion to say hello and find out more!
The Design...
How can design research contribute to innovation in policy and governance? This discussion forum explores interfaces between governments, publics, policy, and design methods. Join the discussion to say hello and find out more!
The Design and Innovation in Policy and Governance forum is hosted by the Design for Policy and Governance Special Interest Group of the DRS (PoGoSIG).
PoGoSIG is led by Scott Schmidt (Georgetown University and Clemson University) together with a convening team.
The aim of this SIG is to promote collaborative and interdisciplinary textiles design research - to become a platform where art, design, and engineering-driven approaches to textiles are welcomed alongside the associated theoretical aspects related to them and the textile industry itself. The new SIG enables a platform from which to raise awareness of the potential roles and value of textile practice within interdisciplinary...
see moreThe aim of this SIG is to promote collaborative and interdisciplinary textiles design research - to become a platform where art, design, and engineering-driven approaches to textiles are welcomed alongside the associated theoretical aspects related to them and the textile industry itself. The new SIG enables a platform from which to raise awareness of the potential roles and value of textile practice within interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary design research. By creating this space of discourse, connection and collaboration, our goal is to build capacity and extend the textile practice research.
This forum is hosted by the Interdisciplinary Textiles SIG. Head here to learn more about the SIG and how to join.
Are you interested in how we can co-create adaptable and more resilient design responses to contemporary threats such as the destruction of ecological systems and the inequitable distribution of global resources? Join the Sustainability SIG to find out more about the people and projects involved in...
Are you interested in how we can co-create adaptable and more resilient design responses to contemporary threats such as the destruction of ecological systems and the inequitable distribution of global resources? Join the Sustainability SIG to find out more about the people and projects involved in design for sustainability research, to contribute your own experience and to collaborate with others
How do we change people's behaviour through design? Designing for behaviour change is seen as a potent way to tackle some of...
How do we change people's behaviour through design? Designing for behaviour change is seen as a potent way to tackle some of the biggest problems in the world around us. Already, approaches derived from the concept have enabled us to recycle, heat more efficiently, increase our exercise patterns, and remind us to take our medication. Join the behaviour change discussion forum to debate how behaviour change helps drive sustainable innovation and reinforce desirable behaviours!
The behaviour change discussion forum is hosted by the Designing Change Special Interest Group (BCSIG) of the DRS.
Experiential Knowledge is concerned with understanding the definition and role that knowledge plays in practices of both design and research. Do practices translate to forms of knowledge? How are design practices and research practices linked? Join the discussion if you would like to contribute or find out more.
This experiential...
Experiential Knowledge is concerned with understanding the definition and role that knowledge plays in practices of both design and research. Do practices translate to forms of knowledge? How are design practices and research practices linked? Join the discussion if you would like to contribute or find out more.
This experiential knowledge discussion forum is hosted by the Experiential Knowledge Special Interest Group (EKSIG) of the DRS. EKSIG has an international membership, hosts a biennial international conference, and produces publications on experiential knowledge.
EKSIG is led by Nithikul Nimkulrat (OCAD University, Canada)
Health is a fundamental human right and a key indicator of sustainable development. Poor health threatens the rights of children to education, limits economic opportunities for men and women and increases poverty within communities and countries around...
Health is a fundamental human right and a key indicator of sustainable development. Poor health threatens the rights of children to education, limits economic opportunities for men and women and increases poverty within communities and countries around the world. This discussion forum looks at the role of designers in promoting healthy lifestyles and preventing ill health. Please join us to find out more.
The Global Health discussion forum is hosted by the Global Health Special Interest Group (Global Health SIG) of the DRS.
The Global Health SIG is led by Emmanuel Tsekleves (Lancaster University) and Fatima Ghani (United Nations University, Kuala Lumpur).
The Design Innovation and Management forum encompasses a broad range of research themes and interests including:...
The Design Innovation and Management forum encompasses a broad range of research themes and interests including: strategic design, innovation management, design thinking, service design and design for social change. If you have experience that you'd like to share, or questions that you'd like to ask the forum members then join us!
This forum is hosted by the Design Innovation Management Special Interest Group (DIMSIG) of the DRS.
DIMSIG is led by Erik Bohemia (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway), Rachel Cooper (Lancaster University, UK) and Xiang Xia (Nanjing University of the Arts, China)
The SIG Sound-Driven Design community wants to advance sound-inclusive design knowledge and methodology on designing sound for...
see moreThe SIG Sound-Driven Design community wants to advance sound-inclusive design knowledge and methodology on designing sound for complex systems and environments. This discussion forum is hosted by the Sound Driven Design SIG.
This discussion forum explores how to advance knowledge in designing more holistic and encompassing stories for customers.
Design Ethics (DE) SIG is a collaborative and interdisciplinary network of committed researchers and practitioners who will advance the knowledge base at the intersection of design, technology, ethics and politics on the one hand, and the society and environment on the other. With DE SIG, we commit to critically...
see moreDesign Ethics (DE) SIG is a collaborative and interdisciplinary network of committed researchers and practitioners who will advance the knowledge base at the intersection of design, technology, ethics and politics on the one hand, and the society and environment on the other. With DE SIG, we commit to critically and systematically examine interdisciplinary interactions between Design and the Humanities, and unpack how they may reform the values and practices of the contributing disciplines.
The Design Ethics discussion forum is hosted by the Design Ethics Special Interest Group. DE SIG is led by Dr. Deǧer Özkaramanlı together with a convening team.
Inclusive design research considers the practices, methods, and theories relating to how design and designing can be made more accessible to a greater range of people. This raises questions about equality, responsibility, participation, and ethics across many disciplines of design, from interior architecture to...
Inclusive design research considers the practices, methods, and theories relating to how design and designing can be made more accessible to a greater range of people. This raises questions about equality, responsibility, participation, and ethics across many disciplines of design, from interior architecture to products and services. Join the discussion to keep up to date with the latest information and thinking on the subject.
The Inclusive Design discussion forum is hosted by the Inclusive Design Special Interest Group (InclusiveSIG) of the DRS, which is led by Hua Dong (Loughborough University).