Governable Spaces: Democratic Design for Online Life
Nathan Schneider
University of California Press
206 pp.
15 illus.
ISBN: 9780520393943
Governable Spaces: Democratic Design for Online Life by Nathan Schneider examines the important and contemporary issue of governance structures of online communities, critiquing their prevalent "implicit feudalism" (p.31) a system where platform administrators hold near-absolute power over users. Schneider argues that this centralised authority reduces democratic engagement and familiarises individuals with autocratic control, both online and offline. The author traces the origins of this feudal model to the early internet, where communities (groups of individuals who collaborate to make resources, such as MySQL) were often managed by "benevolent dictators (BDFL)”, for instance, as in the case of the founder of Linux (p.26). “Benevolent dictator” is a title that is commonly given to a small number of open-source development leaders who have the final say in disputes in these groups. Such governance models have carried over into in spaces like Facebook and Instagram, leading to platforms that prioritize hierarchical control over participatory decision-making. According to Schneider, this has contributed to the erosion of democratic skills and sensibilities among users. Like other examples of deceptive design online, these structures are described as ‘dark patterns’ (p.20) which the author believes to not be an inevitability.
To counter this trend, the author advocates for reimagining online spaces as spaces for democratic experimentation. Drawing inspiration from historical governance models and integrating them into digital platforms may foster more inclusive and participatory communities. By doing so, online spaces can become catalysts for democratic renewal, which encourages users to engage in self-governance and collaborative decision-making. This analysis in the book extends beyond the digital, highlighting the intersection of online governance and broader societal structures. Indeed, the author proposes that the autocratic nature of online platforms mirrors and potentially reinforces authoritarian tendencies in contemporary politics. By perpetuating systems where power is centralised and dissent is marginalized, these platforms may inadvertently condition users to accept similar dynamics in offline political contexts.
The book also looks at emerging technologies and movements that challenge such a feudal paradigm. The author examines decentralized platforms, blockchain-based governance models, and cooperative technology initiatives as potential pathways to more democratic online environments. It is argued that these innovations offer alternative frameworks where users have greater agency and collective ownership, countering the top-down control prevalent in mainstream platforms.
This is illustrated through five Chapters. Chapter One, community rule, focuses on participatory models where individuals collectively craft, modify and implement rules within their community, explicitly emphasising grassroots decision making and adaptability. Chapter Two, the case of Twitter (now X), where governance is at the corporate level, a level which is argued to be non-transparent, top down, and driven by the market. This is seen to be in direct contrast to participatory models. Chapter Three, excavations, in which the author examines how rediscovering historical practices can inform the present. Chapter Four, in relation to Modpol (a self-governance toolkit for communities in online worlds p.105), a concept which is described as illustrating the nuances of power dynamics in moderation and policy making. This is particularly seen to be in online spaces with volunteer moderators who balance authority and equity. Chapter Five, meta-governance, is the last profile in which overarching strategies are explored for governing governance itself. This is done through adapting systems and evolving using feedback and fostering resilience.
"Governable Spaces" serves as both a critique of current online governance models and a call to action for reimagining the digital public sphere. The author encourages technologists, policymakers, and users to collaborate in designing platforms that embody democratic principles, thereby transforming online spaces into environments that not only reflect but also nurture democratic values. By addressing the implicit feudalism of today's internet and proposing pathways toward more democratic digital communities, this work contributes to the ongoing discourse on technology's role in shaping societal norms and political structures. The insights invite readers to reconsider the governance of online spaces and to participate actively in the creation of a more equitable digital future.
As of writing, there are limited published counterarguments specifically addressing the arguments as set down by the author. The book also aligns with complimentary arguments centering on peer to peer (P2P) technology and democracy (such as crowdsourcing quoted in Schulz, 2024)1, Decentralised Autonomous Organisations’ (DAOs) likened to ‘digital-cooperatives’ by Mondoh and colleagues (2022) 2, and modular governance systems. While direct critiques are scarce, some discussions touch on the reality of challenges surrounding the implementation of democratic governance in online spaces. These include concerns about scalability, user engagement, and the potential for decision-making processes becoming unwieldy or inefficient. Additionally, there are debates about the feasibility of applying traditional democratic models to digital platforms, given their unique dynamics and the diverse nature of online communities. It's worth noting however that the discourse around online governance is evolving, and as this work gains further attention, more critiques may emerge. Engaging with a variety of global perspectives will also be essential for a comprehensive understanding of the complexities involved in democratizing online spaces. Governable Spaces, in which democracy is perceived as a design practice, illustrates a useful concept that may have the potential to help foster engagement and inclusivity (such as through participatory budgeting, and e-petitions). However, such a call to action may well be dependent on challenges to this type of decision making including broadening digital divides, threats to cybersecurity and platform biases.
Rachel A. Wood MSc, GMBPsS is currently Head of Customer Journey in public services in the UK. She is also a PhD Researcher with the Design Group at the Open University. Her research is in ‘the exploration of the use of service co-design of parenting education for women who have experience of the criminal justice system.’ She is also a member of the British Psychological Society and holds a master’s in forensic psychology. Her other main research interests are in early intervention policy and implementation, and attachment theory.
1 Shulz, S., 2024. Moving from coproduction to commonization of digital public goods and services. Public Administration Review.
2 Mondoh, B.S., Johnson, S.M., Green, M. and Georgopoulos, A., 2022. Decentralised Autonomous Organisations: The Future of Corporate Governance or an Illusion?. Aris (Aristeidis), Decentralised Autonomous Organisations: The Future of Corporate Governance or an Illusion.