Nominations for Design Studies 2019 Best Paper Award
We are pleased to announce the nominations for the Design Studies best paper award for papers published in 2019. The award is made annually, jointly by Elsevier Science and the Design Research Society (DRS) in recognition of the contribution to advancing knowledge in the field of design research.
Nominations for the Award are made by the journal Editors and the winner selected by the Editor-in-Chief and the Chair of the DRS. This collection of outstanding research papers has been made freely available as a Special Collection until March 31, 2021. Please visit:
The criteria for the Award are:
- contribution to the development of the field of design research
- originality of research or scholarship
- breadth of relevance, and clarity and style of presentation
Design Studies is the Journal of the Design Research Society
Nominations for the Design Studies Award 2019
System evolution prediction and manipulation using a Lotka–Volterra ecosystem model
Guanglu Zhang, Douglas Allaire, Daniel A. McAdams, Venkatesh Shankar
The design critique and the moral goods of studio pedagogy
Jason K. McDonald, Esther Michela
Researcher introspection for experience-driven design research
Haian Xue, Pieter M.A. Desmet
Exploring the home environment: fusing rubbish and design to encourage participant agency and self-reflection
Heather McKinnon, Gavin Sade
Codesign for transitions governance: A mid-range pathway creation toolset for accelerating sociotechnical change
Sampsa Hyysalo, Tatu Marttila, Sofi Perikangas, Karoliina Auvinen
Creativity and fixation in the real world: Three case studies of invention, design and innovation
Nathan Crilly, Roxana Moroşanu Firth