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The Inclusive Design Research Special Interest Group (InclusiveSIG) aims to provide an international platform for researchers, design practitioners, design educators and students, and the general public to exchange knowledge about inclusive design and to empower wider participation in design.

The focus of the SIG is inclusive design research, specifically:

 • Building and advancing knowledge for inclusive design and research

 • Creating and evaluating tools and methods for inclusive design practice

 • Developing strategies for engaging designers and the public

 • Exploring new territories of inclusive design for the majority world

 • To share best practice in contemporary design, research, education, and public engagement

 • To keep pushing the boundaries of inclusive design and explore its potential in different contexts

InclusiveSIG runs tracks during the DRS biennial conference series and at other inclusive design conferences. Its members organise themed workshops in different locations.

We run an InclusiveSIG discussion forum at

We also run a Facebook discussion group at:

And a Linkedin group at:



To join the InclusiveSIG, please contact Prof Hua Dong (



Hua Dong


Weining Ning


Discussion Forum
