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HOLITOPIA Festival for Arts & Futures

20 Sep 2024 @ 9:00am CEST
22 Sep 2024 @ 5:00pm CEST

Registration for this event has passed

September 20-22, 2024
HTW Campus Wilhelminenhof
Opening: September 19 (by invitation / registration)

Program + tickets: Website

List of all contributors (PDF)

A new Festival for Arts & Futures, HOLITOPIA, provides a unique platform for a comprehensive exchange on shaping alternative futures. As the first large-scale event of its genre to be held in Berlin, it emphasizes the role of design, architecture, and art in driving systemic change. The festival features a diverse range of formats:

conference offers practice-oriented insights into methods of transformation through design: from the adaptation of existing structures to cultural change processes in society, science and business. Under the title We're not quite there yet–approaching the future through queer failure, design scientist and graphic designer Felix Kossok will examine how social design and system design can contribute to strengthening a plural society.

In addition, new urban realities, materials and living and working environments will be discussed and insights will be provided into projects in where the future is already being shaped today. One example is Rasa Weber, a designer, researcher and diver. In her practice, she investigates the interconnectedness of humans, animals, microbes, living and inanimate matter and the ocean. Through the use of local natural fibers and craftsmanship, she develops methods for coral reef restoration, creating both ecological innovation and cultural and economic connections in coastal communities.

The conference also delves into interconnected phenomena, multiverses, and virtual realities and celebrates imagination and design as a strengthening element of democracies. 

In the free exhibition Above the Sea of Aircurrent issues of our time will be explored–through contemporary art, design research and architecture:

The modular installation BYCATCH by Abie Franklin and Daniel Hölzl is unveiled on the Spree and invites visitors to discover it. It is also a venue for artist talks, addressing questions such as What can we learn from flood disasters?

Also in the exhibition architects Dimitra Almpani-Lekka and Natalija Miodragović are investigating how mushrooms can be utilized in architecture. Their work asks: Can tomorrow's buildings grow in collaboration with plants and fungi? And how does co-design and cohabitation with living organisms influence our architecture and relationships with other species?

As part of Above the Sea of Air the soundscapes by French sound artist Aude Langlois and the video works by Philipp ModersohnBianca Kennedy and Swan Collectiv and Ulrike Mohr, on the other hand, explore the relationship between matter, life and temporality.

In addition, music contributions create experiences for the auditory exploration of the future, including the AI-created compositions by Sara Glojnarić and the interactive concert with robots by sound artist Nicola L. Hein.

Public workshops offer the opportunity to actively engage with shaping the future and try out new ideas first-hand: Multisensorial Futurescapes with design researcher and technologist Caroline McMillan focuses on olfactory visions. At the Future Generation Talk with Till Hasbach, young people will be able to get creative with the Moonshot Innovation Game and exchange experiences with virtual peers from the future. Together, they can speculate and develop ideas on how sustainable futures can be shaped.

HOLITOPIA opens on September 19 with a welcome speech by Berlin Senator Franziska Giffey titled Projekt Zukunft - Berlin City of Design. HTW Vice President Stefanie Molthagen-Schnöring will discuss the conditions for finding solutions to global challenges. The President of the World Futures Studies Federation, Eric Øverland, will highlight the potential of futures studies to open up a space for imagination and develop desirable visions for sustainable progress and hope. There will also be an interview with HOLITOPIA initiator Madeleine Schwinge on the question of common ground for shaping futures.

HOLITOPIA Festival for Arts & Futures

HTW Campus Wilhelminenhof, Wilhelminenhofstraße 75A, 12459 Berlin

September 19: Preview (by invitation – media professionals are welcome to contact Jenni Schmitt:
September 20: Conference (by registration / fee)
September 21-22: Public days with exhibitions, talks, music acts, performances, 
and interventions (public and free), as well as workshops (by registration / fee)

HOLITOPIA is an initiative of re:future lab – Institute for Art and Future Design,
founded by curator, futurist, lecturer, and artist Madeleine Schwinge.

20 Sep 2024 @ 9:00am CEST
22 Sep 2024 @ 5:00pm CEST

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  • Berlin, Germany