Event Details
Research days, Types vs Standards, 25 and 26 February 2025
Misha & Collège doctoral, Université de Strasbourg.
Tuesday February 25th I TYPES. History, cultures, writing [10.30am-5.30pm]
Wednesday February 26th I TYPIFICATION. Practices, production and theories [9am-5.30pm]
WITH Daria Ayvazova (HEAR, Mulhouse)|Gwenaëlle Bertrand (ECCLA, U. Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne)|Vincent Beaubois (IRePh, U. Paris Nanterre)|Max Bonhomme (ACCRA, U. Strasbourg)|Claire Brunet (CRD, Ens Paris-Saclay)|Tanja Cunz(MoMA, New York)|John Didier (HEP Vaud, Lausanne)|Rodolphe Dogniaux (Labo d’Objet, Esad Saint-Étienne)|David Énon (Ensad, Nancy)|Maxime Favard (ACCRA, U. Strasbourg ; ESD Villefontaine)|Simone Fehlinger (Spacetelling, Esad Saint-Étienne, ACCRA, U.Strasbourg)|Catherine Geel (CRD, Ens Paris-Saclay ; Ensad, Nancy)|Brice Genre (LLA CRÉATIS, U. Toulouse Jean Jaurès)|Catherine Guiral (ESAM, Caen)|Hans-Georg Lippert (IBAD, Technische Universität Dresden)|Pierre Litzler (ACCRA, U. Strasbourg)|Charles Mazé (ANRT, Nancy)|Elke Mittmann (UR AMUP, ENSA Strasbourg)|Émilie Oléron-Evans (Queen’s Mary University, Londres)|Daniel Payot (ACCRA, U. Strasbourg)| Laurent Stalder (ETH, Zürich)|Marie-Aurore Stiker-Métral (Labo d’Objet, ESAD Saint-Étienne).
INFOS : contact@problemata.org.
You will find the programme for these two days here: https://www.dropbox.com/t/nhYiXSzuhpG9ZHXG
Research programme 2025-2027*: Types versus standards. Towards new components in design. Historical and critical studies of type in the context of transitional design (1914-2024).
These historical and critical studies look at the concept of Typen, a German word used since the beginning of the 20th century to characterise the particularity of mass production, the fruit of a reflection on the complementarities between creation and technique. In both French and English, the term has most often been translated as standards, whereas Typen has an entirely different social and industrial significance. Its re-reading is helping to give design research its full legitimacy and autonomy.
Direction : Maxime Favart, Catherine Geel et Gwenaëlle Bertrand.
- Strasbourg, France