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  • Anna Talley posted an article
    Proceedings from DRS2024 Boston are now available on the Digital Library. see more

    The proceedings of DRS2024 Boston are now available on the DRS Digital Library. DRS2024 was hosted by Northeastern University’s College of Arts, Media, and Design, in partnership with the Harvard University Graduate School of Design and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Morningside Academy for Design. The call for papers for DRS2024 resulted in a huge response, with 1184 abstracts and 869 full paper submissions—over a 47% increase from DRS2022. Of these submissions, 78 were desk rejected and 791 papers underwent rigorous peer review. Based on this review process, 386 papers were accepted to the program, reflecting a 44.4% acceptance rate. This rigorous selection process ensures that we continue to uphold the highest standards of academic excellence in design research. 

    Find the full 2024 proceedings in the Digital Library here.